четверг, 9 декабря 2010 г.

Key Differences and Traits of the New Panorama

The difference is, of course, that they will have powerful, direct, zero - friction distribution channels at their disposal, and a loyal global audience, built-in and ready to go. All they have to do is keep on earning and retaining the attention of their users.

Look for those new BlogJ’s to attract highly-targeted and 'loaded' advertisers, steered by forward-looking major-brand CMOs and next-generation creative agencies such as TribalDDB or Droga5. These ads will pay as much as $5 per click-thru (CPT), with major brands ‘sponsoring’ music blogs that fit their exact brand vision.

Once the bizarrely overdue and tired issue of 'how to legally provide streams and downloads of any song I choose' is solved, so that a BlogJ can finally use music just like a radio station uses music (i.e. powered by a collective voluntary blanket license), music blogs will explode and quickly increase their reach beyond the current blogosphere inhabitants and netizens, beyond the computer, and most importantly beyond the web browser.

Imagine a blog that streams a personalized radio channel via a mobile application that sits within your favorite social network - this is the next radio!

Whether or rather how you will get to keep the music will not be relevant any longer - what matters is the selection, the endorsement, the context, the relevance.

No longer are we going to be hungry for just any music provided that it's free, now we are hungry for relevance.

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