четверг, 9 декабря 2010 г.

Australian Music Blogs 2007 Update

Man, I’ve been meaning to do this for ages.

It’s coming up to that time of year again where I solicit responses from Aussie bloggers for the Top Australian Bands/Artists poll (Third Annual!). Anyway, I’ve been meaning to stay up to date this year with new Australian or New Zealand music blogs and have found a few that I keep my eye on but I get the feeling I’m missing out on some. So if you know any other Australian/NZ music blogs that aren’t listed in my sidebar please leave a comment or email me. I know I had a Perth one bookmarked but I apparently deleted and can’t remember the url!

I was pleased this year that a Brisbane based music blog got up and running. If you’ve not checked out Before Hollywood be sure you do as they have their collective eyes on lots of young bands maybe not getting much press outside of Brissie.

Electrorash is a blog I’ve just discovered the past couple months but it looks great and has a dance/electro focus.

Fangirl is a blog that’s been around a while and features some of the best music writing in Australia. Her current piece on the film Control is pretty damn thought provoking.

Joe Hardy loves Radiohead so he’s alright with me. He also remixed Gotye so he should be alright with you too.

Lexicon Devil has been around ages but for some reason I am a relatively new reader. I like this one as I never know what Dave is going to write about.

Move Still is a new Sydney blog that features a collective of writers contributing and they all seem to have pretty great taste. They are also not afraid to get excited about things.

The MulletGod takes great photos.

Songpod always has a clutch of flyers up so you don’t miss a great gig in Sydney.

And Syms LOVES The Basics and hates Richard Kingsmill.

Who else am I missing?

It has also been brought to my attention (by Syms actually) that some of you may be having problems leaving comments on the site. I have NO idea why this is happening as some comments are getting through just fine. I will try to get to this.

And yes, this post had virtually nothing to do with Control but last night I couldn’t decide which poster to upload so I used this one tonight. [/nerd]

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